Résumé des événements :

22 - 27 Juin
Michigan, USA
1 - 6 Juin
Taipei, Taiwan
6 - 8 Mai
Mol, Belgium
7 - 9 Avril
Catane, Italie
10-12 Mars
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators
Workshop on R&D for new ISOL beams (SPIRAL 1 and ALTO)
18 Dec
CEA Saclay
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators
Journée annuelle du GDR
16 - 18 Oct
IJCLab, Orsay
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators
Atelier calcul SCIPAC
16 -18 Oct
IJCLab, Orsay
15 -16 Oct
IJClab, Orsay
Rencontres accélérateurs SFP
25 -27 Sept
Madrid, Espagne
24 - 27 Sept
Tsukuba, Japan
17 - 19 Sept
Dresden, Germany
15 - 19 Sept
Darmstadt, Germany
10 - 20 Sept
Orsay, France
9 - 13 Sept
Beijing, China
26 - 30 Août
Hamburg, Germany
25 - 30 Août
Chicago, USA
21 - 26 Juillet
Texas, USA
21 - 26 Juillet
Naperville, USA
23 - 28 Juin
Helsingborg, Sweden
28-31 Mai
Frascati, Italy
27 - 29 Mai
IPHC, Strasbourg
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators
Atelier ions lourds SCIPAC
27 - 29 Mai
Jyväskylä, Finland
23 Mai
LPGP, Orsay
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators
Mini-workshop SCIPAC sur la modélisation hydrodynamique des plasmas pour l'accélération par sillage-plasma
19-24 Mai
Nashville, USA
16-19 Avril
Paris, France
I.FAST 3rd annual meeting
15-16 Avril
Orsay, France
Kickoff meeting of iSAS
19-22 Mars
Lisbonne, Portugal
13 Décembre
IJCLab, Orsay
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators
Réunion de lancement du GDR

Plus de détails sur les événements :

22 - 27 Juin
Michigan - USA
HIAT2025 - the 16th International Heavy Ion Conference


The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams is pleased to announce the 16th International Heavy Ion Conference, HIAT2025, to be held in-person at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan on 22-27 June 2025.

1 - 6 Juin
Taipei, Taiwan
16th International Particle Accelerator Conference
We are so pleased and honored to welcome you all to the 16th international particle accelerator conference (IPAC’25), to be held on 1~6, June, 2025 at Taipei, Taiwan. The event will be hosted by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. The IPAC’25 edition is a collaborative effort organized by accelerator communities in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It will be an international event with a rich scientific program covers worldwide advancements in state-of-the-art accelerator research and development, gaining insights into new projects, and staying abreast of the latest developments in accelerator facilities globally. Besides, participants will have the valuable opportunity to connect with peers and establish new business contacts. With an expected attendance of over 1,000 delegates and 80 industry exhibitors, IPAC’25 promises to be a remarkable and significant event.
6 - 8 Mai
Mol, Belgium
11th Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beam (SLHiPP-11)

The SLHiPP workshop is an opportunity to get together for high intensity proton/ion facilities in an informal format with lots of time for discussions and informal meetings. We intend to create a program for engineers, scientists and technicians from facilities under design, under construction and/or in operation. There will be a focus on SC LINACS but we are also willing to include targets and other aspects of our facilities.

The program will be created by a small program committee with representatives from ESS, MYRRHA, IFMIF-DONES, and SPIRAL2.

7 - 9 Avril
Catane, Italie
Production of Intense Beams and Highly Charged Ions (PIBHI)


Accelerators worldwide require reliable sources, usually based on ECR heating, delivering intense currents of monocharged or highly charged ions, often much larger than the ones achieved.  R&D efforts have been constantly carried out worldwide to ensure high beam availability and source performance.

The workshop aims to gather scientists involved in the design and operation of such sources to compare different experiences and to discuss and find solutions to the several operational troubles usually encountered (e.g., stable and reproducible production of such intense beams, extraction and transport of space-charge-dominated beams, etc.). 

The main scope of the workshop is to stimulate discussions among the attendees on several topics of interest by the community, in dedicated round tables which usually are not part of the program of classical conferences like ICIS or ECRIS.

The Workshop is organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud. The venue is placed at the foot of the Etna Volcano - the highest and most active in Europe - in a city that is now experiencing its third millennium of history since its establishment in 730 BC.
The workshop includes several social events, which will enable participants to mix fertile cultural discussions with the state-of-art of our discipline enjoying the environment with natural and historical beauties.

10 - 12 Mars
Workshop on R&D for new ISOL beams (SPIRAL 1 and ALTO)
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators


Workshop organized in the framework of the IN2P3 Master Projet "Ions radioactifs" and in the hospices of the GDR SCIPAC.

This workshop aims at discussing the strategy for ISOL beam R&D for SPIRAL 1 and ALTO for the coming years.

Inscription et programme

18 Décembre
CEA Saclay
Journée annuelle du GDR SCIPAC
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators

Le GDR organise sa journée annuelle au CEA Saclay le 18 Décembre 2024

Inscription et programme

16 - 18 Octobre
IJCLab, Orsay
Atelier SCIPAC sur le calcul pour les accélérateurs
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators

Le GDR organise un workshop sur le calcul du 16 au 17 octobre 2024 à IJCLab, qui sera adossé aux rencontres accélérateurs de la SFP. Cet atelier traitera du calcul pour les accélérateurs (dynamique faisceau, modélisation multi-physique, simulations plasmas, optimisation et IA). Le contenu sera précisé prochainement.

Inscription et programme

16 - 18 Octobre
IJCLab, Orsay
I.FAST workshop on Advances in High-Intensity Positron Source Physics and Technologies (AHIPS-2024)
We are excited to announce the "Advances in High-Intensity Positron Source Physics and Technologies" (AHIPS-2024) Workshop, which will take place in Orsay, France, from October 16th to 18th, 2024. This in-person event will gather the global community of experts working on high-intensity positron sources to explore the associated physics and engineering challenges and discuss the wide applications of positron beams.
The AHIPS-2024 workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences in designing, commissioning, operating, and maintaining positron beam facilities, with a special focus on novel techniques and ideas that push beyond the current state-of-the-art.
We invite you to review the conference topics and are confident you will find some interesting topics that align with your scientific interests. While the program for the oral presentations is finalized, we still welcome participants to contact the organizers for potential contributions.
15 - 16 Octobre
IJCLab, Orsay
Rencontres accélérateurs de la SFP
25 - 27 Septembre
Madrid, Espagne
Seventh Workshop on Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures
ESSRI 2024 will bring together international experts on sustainability, stakeholders and representatives from research facilities and future research infrastructure projects worldwide, with the purpose of identifying the challenges, best practices, and policies to develop and implement sustainable solutions at research infrastructures.
The main goal of this seventh event of the ESSRI series is to identify the challenges, technical and strategical, to develop and implement sustainable solutions at research infrastructures. This includes: 
- sharing experiences on new energy-efficient technologies, 
- energy management at research infrastructures, 
- review how the energy sustainability is faced on the current research projects, 
- analyze life cycle and 
- discuss about future aims and trends.  

Inscription et programme

24 - 27 Septembre
Tsukuba, Japan
Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL2024)

The workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL'24) is the tenth in the series of biannual international workshops covering accelerator physics and technology of Energy Recovery Linacs. The workshop will serve as a forum for scientists and engineers from around the world to review the latest developments in ERL physics, technology and applications, to exchange ideas.

Inscription et programme

17 - 19 Septembre
Dresden, Germany
European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2024)

We are pleased to announce the next European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2024) which will be held on September 17-19, 2024. This in-person workshop will be hosted by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Dresden, Germany.

Following the successful experience of previous EWPAAs, our goal is to create a communication platform for photocathode enthusiasts worldwide. This will be achieved through a scientific program that includes both oral presentations as well as poster sessions to facilitate face-to-face interactions between participants. There is no registration fee for the workshop.

We cordially invite you to participate in the workshop and present your research. The program will cover a variety of areas, including operational experience, preparation, materials, instrumentation, analytical methods, theoretical modelling, industrial applications, and novel concepts.

The sessions will be mostly composed of invited talks, and few remaining time slots may be filled with proposed contributions. Abstract submission for both, invited talks and posters, will open on April 1 – we are eager to see your contributions!

Inscription et programme

15 - 19 Septembre
Darmstadt, Germany
26th ECR Ion Source Workshop (ECRIS2024)
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, I am pleased to announce that the 26th ECR Ion Source Workshop (ECRIS2024) will be held in Darmstadt, Germany, from 15 to 19 September. The workshop will be held at the Welcome Hotel in the city centre of Darmstadt. The workshop is hosted by the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ions (Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung).
The aim of the workshop is to present the latest state of the art, developments, and the most recent achievements in the field of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion sources and related science and technology. ECRIS2024 is the 26th in a series of conferences, that dates back to 1978 in Karlsruhe, Germany, and recently took place in Busan, Korea (2016), Catania, Italy (2018), East Lansing, USA (2020), and Gandhinagar, India (2022).

Inscription et programme

24 - 27 Septembre
Orsay, France
11th International Workshop on Thin Films and New Ideas for Pushing the Limits of RF Superconductivity

The 11th Workshop in this series will further the goal of providing a Forum for new initiatives in innovative thin films and related technology to advance future generations of superconducting RF accelerators. Present superconducting RF accelerator technology is based on predominantly bulk niobium, for which the state of the art in performance is reaching the theoretical limit. Thin film technology offers the prospect of considerable savings in fabrication costs and opens the way with innovative technologies to the use of alternative superconducting materials with enhanced intrinsic properties such as critical temperature and critical field. Intensive and coordinated R&D effort is of decisive importance for the scientific community.

Inscription et programme

9 - 13 Septembre
Beijing, China
13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC2024)

IBIC Series bring together the world community of experts in instrumentation for particle accelerators, to explore the physics and engineering challenges of beam diagnostics and measurement techniques for charged particle beams.
IBIC2024 is held by Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), which is China?s biggest laboratory for the study of particle physics. BEPCII and CSNS, two large scale facilities are operating, HEPS, a fourth-generation light source is under construction in IHEP. As part of the conference, a tour of the HEPS construction site or BEPCII tunnel is organized.

Inscription et programme

26 - 30 Août
Hamburg, Germany
15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation

The International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) is a successful conference series continuing for over 40 years, organised by the community of worldwide synchrotron radiation and X-ray free electron laser facilities.

This 15th SRI conference will again be hosted by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and the European XFEL, as the last SRI 2021 conference could only take place online.

The SRI conferences are important for the worldwide community to share key experiences in scientific and technical developments. Having timely access to the latest information and new ideas is of crucial importance for the future development of all light sources, the development of the field as a whole as well as for the economic and political development of participating countries.

Along the conference an industry exhibition is scheduled. Further details will be published soon.

Inscription et programme

25 - 30 Août
Chicago, USA
32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC)

LINAC is the main bi-yearly gathering for the world-wide community of linear accelerator experts. The conference will provide a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linacs and their applications.

Following a long and successful tradition, LINAC2024 will feature invited and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions and an industry exhibition. A stimulating scientific program will be complemented by social events that promote informal knowledge exchange. There are several sponsorship opportunities for all those who would like to support the event and gain visibility. We plan on an in-person conference with very limited remote participation. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a special virtual tour of facilities at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to see the newly commissioned Advanced Photon Source Upgrade as well as other accelerator facilities, and to view the progress of the Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) Superconducting radiofrequency linac and associated facilities at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL).

Inscription et programme

21 - 26 Juillet
Texas, USA
27th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry

This is the 27th International conference in the biennial series that began in 1968 as a Conference on the Use of Small Accelerators for Teaching and Research. Our conference series is unique in that it brings together researchers from all over the world who use particle accelerators in their research and industrial applications. Each year the topic areas are reviewed and updated to reflect current research interests. 

Inscription et programme

21 - 26 Juillet
NIU Naperville Conference Center

The AAC’24 workshop is a by-invitation biennial forum for intensive discussions on long-term research in advanced accelerator physics and technology. Since its inception in 1982, the AAC Workshop has become the principal US meeting for advanced particle accelerator research and development with strong international participation. We are anticipating over 300 scientists and research leaders in particle-beam, laser, and plasma physics to participate in this year’s meeting. This research supports the development of capabilities for the basic sciences, from photon science to high energy physics, as well as the development of compact accelerators for industrial, medical and security applications.

Inscription et programme

23 - 28 Juin
Helsingborg, Sweden
ARW2024 : Accelerator Reliability Workshop

We want to bring together the worldwide accelerator community and other industries to exchange experiences in designing, testing, commissioning, operating, and maintaining reliable facilities. This workshop aims to stimulate information sharing on technical issues and challenges faced, common cultural and human factors, and future opportunities.

Inscription et programme

28-31 Mai
INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy

The Sixteenth Workshop on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-16) will take place on 28-31 May 2024 at the National Laboratories of Frascati of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics.

The SATIF workshops  aim to promote information exchange among experts in the fields of radiation physics and the application of ionising radiations in different fields of science and technology. The event will address important aspects related to the modeling and design of accelerator shielding, as well as updates on new and emerging features of the computation tools including FLUKA, MARS, and PHITS, high resolution radiological assessments for large scale areas with automated run-time optimisation for the simulation of deep penetration of radiation in shielding structures, machine learning driven design optimisations, and comprehensive benchmarking exercises. Main objectives of SATIF meetings are to:

  • promote the information exchange among experts in the field of accelerator shielding and related topics;
  • identify areas for international co-operation;
  • create task forces in order to achieve progress in specific priority areas.

SATIF workshops have been held once every two years since 1994, rotating between the United States, Europe, and Asia. In addition to organising these workshops the SATIF group also co-ordinates comparative analyses in between the workshops.

The activities of SATIF are jointly sponsored the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and its Nuclear Science Committee (NSC), and by all participating institutions.

Inscription et programme

27 - 29 Mai
IPHC, Strasbourg
Atelier SCIPAC sur l’accélération d’ions lourds pour la physique nucléaire
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators

Le GDR SCIPAC organise un événement, en lien avec l’atelier ISOL-France VI qui aura lieu du 27 au 29 mai 2024 à l’IPHC (Strasbourg). Dans le but de présenter et discuter les avancées de la communauté ISOL-France, l’atelier est organisé en 4 sessions : production de faisceaux radioactifs, spectroscopie laser, pièges à ions et désintégration bêta. Chacune comprendra un exposé invité, suivi de courtes présentations sur l’état des activités ouvrant sur des discussions générales. S’adossant à cet événement, SCIPAC, à travers son axe 1, organise un atelier dédié à la production de faisceaux stables et radioactifs ainsi qu’à leur accélération pour la physique nucléaire.

Inscription et programme

27 - 29 Mai
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
ECPM2024 - European Cyclotron Progress Meeting

The 42nd European Cyclotron Progress Meeting (ECPM2024) will take place on May 27-29, 2024 at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

The European Cyclotron Progress Meeting is devoted to the physics and technology of cyclotrons, their applications in science, medicine and industry, and to related topics. Status reports on existing facilities as well as innovative developments and progress reports on evolving projects are welcome.

Inscription et programme

23 Mai
LPGP, Orsay
Mini-workshop SCIPAC sur la modélisation hydrodynamique des plasmas pour l'accélération par sillage-plasma
SCIPAC SCIences of Particle ACcelerators

Le GDR SCIPAC organise un événement d’une demi-journée dédié aux codes de simulation de l’hydrodynamique des plasmas et leurs applications, le 23 mai matin au LPGP (Orsay). Ces codes étant utilisés pour étudier la formation de canaux plasma pour le guidage d'une impulsion laser intense exploité dans l'accélération par sillage laser-plasma pour des longues distances, l'objectif est de présenter les codes disponibles et leur utilisation pour cette application spécifique.

Inscription et programme

19 - 24 Mai
Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
IPAC’24, 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee (USA)

IPAC is a major international event for the worldwide particle accelerator field and industry. The IPAC’24 edition will be held in Nashville, Tennessee (USA), May 19-24. Pioneering research and development in accelerator technologies will be presented by global experts. Project leaders will present new accelerator projects, progress on active upgrades and operational status of accelerator facilities across the globe. Over 1,200 delegates and 80 industry exhibitors are expected to attend this remarkable and noteworthy event. IPAC’24 will offer the most complete review on new ideas, important results and ground-breaking technologies in the field of particle accelerator science and technology.

Inscription ici

16 - 19 Avril
Annual meeting of I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology), Paris

The I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) Innovation Pilot project for the Particle Accelerator community will hold its 3rd Annual Meeting in Paris, France, from Wednesday 17 to Friday 19 April 2024 (plenary sessions). Activities and recent results of the different Work Packages will be presented. Special sessions will be devoted to collaboration with industry, sustainability, and diversity in science and technology. Parallel WP meetings and an industry Workshop on cryogenic technology will precede the event, on 16-17 April.

Meeting website

15 - 16 Avril
Kickoff meeting of iSAS (Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems), Orsay

A new european project is launched in order to Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems (iSAS, https://indico.ijclab.in2p3.fr/event/9521/). Following the european R&D roadmap for accelerator technology and based on a collaboration between research institutions and industry, several accelerator technologies will be developed, prototyped, and tested, in order to enable significant energy savings in accelerating particles. iSAS will adress energy-saving technologies that are at the core of the superconducting RF accelerating systems.

Registration is launched (open session Monday 15)

19 - 22 Mars
Lisbonne (Portugal)
Workshop ALEGRO : l’accélération laser-plasma vers la physique des particules

Le workshop ALEGRO 2024 se tiendra à Lisbonne (Portugal) du 19 au 22 mars 2024. Lors de cet atelier organisé en présentiel, les contributions des accélérateurs plasmas à la physique des particules et des hautes énergies seront discutées. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 15 février, leur nombre est limité à 100. Les soumissions de posters sont encouragées jusqu’au 15 février. Le comité du programme scientifique (SPC) pourra inviter certaines de ces contributions pour un exposé oral.

Inscription et programme

13 Decembre
IJCLab, Orsay
Réunion de lancement du GDR

La réunion de lancement du GDR SCIPAC a eu lieu le 13 décembre. Elle a été un grand succès avec 85 participants, rassemblés sur site à Orsay (IJCLab) et en visioconférence.

Indico de l'événement